The Power of Grace

All of my own naivete, foolishness and nonsense remind me what an incredible gift God's mercy is to have allowed me the room to grow, change, and mature.

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But God’s grace has made me what I am, and his grace to me was not wasted.  – 1 Cor. 15:10

Grace Rescued Me

It’s not hard for me to remember many of the mistakes, the errors in judgment, and the downright sins I have committed throughout my life. Some of them make me shudder at the immaturity and selfishness I displayed. Many make me weep at the ugliness revealed in my own heart. Some make me cringe.  And others make me thankful I survived. All of them remind me of what an incredible gift God’s mercy is to have allowed me the room to grow, change, and mature.

The Gift of Grace

And then there’s the matter of grace.  His mercy gave me space, but his grace enabled me to step into what he has beckoned me to become.

The One who fashioned all things, who holds the power to speak whatever He wills into being (or not being, for that matter), whose name I blaspheme with every act of selfishness, graciously gives what I do not deserve in order to gently lead me back to Him, the source of life. Consequently, every time I think about how His grace has made me who I am, I draw in a breath of peace.  His grace is not wasted on me.

Shaped by the Impact of Grace

I am not haunted by my past, I am shaped by it. The many scars do not incapacitate me; they simply flesh out my story and create a backdrop for recognizing joy.

I do not fear my future.  The One whose grace has made me who I am still controls the outcome and covers it with the promise that He will complete what He began.

Even in the midst of an incredible amount of unknowns and uncertainties about what tomorrow will hold, His grace is an overwhelming reminder that He is still molding me for my good and for His glory.

Next Steps

Are you sitting in the shame of who you’ve been, wondering how to find life again? Let us help you grab ahold of God’s grace to enable you to become who he is calling you to be.

meet the coach

Picture of Sharmen Kimbrough
Sharmen Kimbrough

Sharmen is an expert in emotional abuse and codependency issues in relationships. She is also a renowned speaker and teacher of other coaches.

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