Letting Go of Rejection

When fighting loneliness post-divorce, it can be so easy to be consumed by the sense of rejection from previous in-laws and friends. The feeling of being left out or abandoned by those who once were close can be overwhelming and debilitating.

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Embracing Loneliness Post-Divorce: How to Release People to Be Themselves

When fighting loneliness post-divorce, it can be so easy to be consumed by the sense of rejection from previous in-laws and friends. The feeling of being left out or abandoned by those who once were close can be overwhelming and debilitating.

Release Them to Their Own Journey

However, when you recognize that they’re on their own journey in life, wrestling with their own issues and, for whatever reason, are unwilling to be a part of your story anymore, it gives you a context to release them. Everyone has their battles, and their decisions to distance themselves are more about their own struggles than about you.

Release People to Be Themselves

It’s crucial to release people to be themselves. They miss out on seeing what God is doing in you, and they disable their opportunity to be Christ to you. By letting them go and understanding their need to follow their own path, you free yourself from the burden of their rejection.

Release Yourself to Your Journey and God’s Work

So, release them, let them choose their own part of the story, and don’t let yourself sit in the self-pity pit. If you stay there, you will also miss out on what God is doing in others and will disable your own chance to be Jesus to the people around you. Embrace the new opportunities and relationships that come your way, and allow yourself to be open to the transformative work God is doing in your life.

Next Steps

Releasing people to be themselves after a divorce is a powerful step towards healing and finding peace. By understanding their journey, letting go of the past, and focusing on the present, you can overcome loneliness and embrace the new opportunities that God has in store for you. Let us help you sort it out!  Reach out to our office today to schedule with one of our expert coaches.

meet the coach

Picture of Sharmen Kimbrough
Sharmen Kimbrough

Sharmen is an expert in emotional abuse and codependency issues in relationships. She is also a renowned speaker and teacher of other coaches.

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