The Perturbed Heart, Part 1

Consider the inner chaos you are experiencing connected to another person or people. Whatever feelings they provoke in you, that’s what God is after. The closer the relationship, the deeper the emotional impact. These feelings reflect the deeper issues of your heart—your insecurities, fears, desires, and your ability to connect and love. It’s within this space that God wants to transform your life.

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Recognizing God at Work in Your Relationships

God uses the people around you to confront the things in you that He wants to work on. Reflect on the relationship that is currently on the back of your mind. Yes, that one. The one that brings up deeper unsettled feelings, subtly impacting your day-to-day life. Whether it’s a new love budding, bringing anticipation and happiness, or a more negative unsettling like frustration, confusion, or rejection, these emotions are significant.

The Deeper Meaning Behind Your Feelings

Consider the inner chaos you are experiencing connected to another person or people. Whatever feelings they provoke in you, that’s what God is after. The closer the relationship, the deeper the emotional impact. These feelings reflect the deeper issues of your heart—your insecurities, fears, desires, and your ability to connect and love. It’s within this space that God wants to transform your life.

Moving Beyond the Facade

You might be able to live out a great version of yourself without addressing these deeper issues, at least for a while. This facade might make it seem like you are truly growing in wisdom. However, a facade carries the deep, subconscious fear of being found out. It unravels when confronted by life’s challenges or in private moments when you think no one is watching. Without genuine transformation, there is no peace or joy from living authentically in Christ. There is no fullness of life, no real freedom.

Embracing God’s Work for Authentic Integrity

God is after your integrity—not just authentic living regardless of who is watching, but integrity grounded in His grace and mercy. This kind of integrity reflects courage to live vulnerably while trusting God to protect that vulnerability. It doesn’t collapse when sorrow or calamity strikes. This integrity is born within a heart that has allowed God to transform it. The process begins when we pay attention to the things stirred up by the people God brings across our path.

Next Steps

If you’re curious about making sense of the ways you might feel God stirring in your heart, we would love to help you sort through it.  Reach out to schedule a session with one of our expert coaches.

meet the coach

Picture of Sharmen Kimbrough
Sharmen Kimbrough

Sharmen is an expert in emotional abuse and codependency issues in relationships. She is also a renowned speaker and teacher of other coaches.

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