What is Wisdom

In today's postmodern culture, it would seem that "wisdom" is not absolute but is only determined in relevance to personal circumstances however one decides to define or identify it. The argument is that something that is "relative" is not lasting and not valuable. Why would we seek it, then?

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Thinking Wisely: The Pursuit of Wisdom

In today’s postmodern culture, it would seem that “wisdom” is not absolute but is only determined in relevance to personal circumstances however one decides to define or identify it. But the writings of Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, tell us that we should “get wisdom” though it costs us everything we have.

Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them.  Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you.  The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. -Proverbs 4:5-7

Making Good Choices: Seeking True Wisdom

How do we know when we’re “getting” it though? Is the goal of wisdom to make our life happier? Safer? Easier? More confident? Right with God?

I think Solomon must have found wisdom to be something very definitely absolute. The argument is that something that is “relative” is not lasting and not valuable — Why would we want to surrender everything else to get it in that case? Not only is it absolute but it is also something found OUTSIDE of ourselves. No matter how deeply we search the depths of our inner being, we will not learn wisdom there. We are too selfish, too self-absorbed, and surely way too proud. It’s not the same as intelligence. I’ve seen an awful lot of smart people who are not wise. Those smart people may be happy, safe, confident… but you can tell there’s something missing. A depth, a meaning, a purpose.

Thinking Wisely: The Value of Wisdom

Solomon has said, “He who gets wisdom loves his own soul: he who cherishes understanding prospers.” (Prov. 19:8) I think this refers to prospering in depth of character, not the depth of pocketbook or social status. “The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, turning a man from the snares of death.” (Prov. 13:14) Solomon admonishes us to walk with the wise, turn our ear to the wise, pay attention, actively seek.

Making Good Choices: The Pursuit of a Worthwhile Goal

That is how we “get” wise. Wisdom is priceless; it protects us, guides us, adorns us, and deepens us. Though it costs us everything, we must strive for it – one of those counterintuitive concepts of obeying God… you must lose your life to find it.

Next Steps

Are you trying to find wisdom in your next steps to show up well in the life you’re living?  Let us help you think through the options.

meet the coach

Picture of Sharmen Kimbrough
Sharmen Kimbrough

Sharmen is an expert in emotional abuse and codependency issues in relationships. She is also a renowned speaker and teacher of other coaches.

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