Disorganized Attachment – When Love Feels Both Safe & Scary

For some, love feels like both a haven and a storm, comforting yet terrifying. If your past was marked by trauma, neglect, or inconsistent caregiving, you might find yourself in a constant emotional tug-of-war.
[Part 4 of a series on Attachment]
Avoidant Attachment – Keeping Love at a Distance

Avoidant attachment isn’t a conscious choice, but a protective response that often develops in childhood when vulnerability felt unsafe.
[Part 3 of a series on Attachment]
Understanding Attachment Styles in Intimate Relationships

Dr. Christine reveals the surprising way childhood bonds shape your love life—whether secure, anxious, dismissive-avoidant, or fearful-avoidant—unpacking how these styles drive your emotions and relationships, and how you can rewrite the script for deeper, healthier connections.
Anxious Attachment – Seeking Love but Fearing Loss

Anxious attachment isn’t a flaw or something “wrong” with you, it’s a pattern that likely developed early in life, shaped by experiences where love and emotional security felt uncertain.
[Part 2 of a series on Attachment]
Random Thoughts About Submission

Submission that is demanded ceases to be submission and has instead become servitude. Love that is demanded ceases to be love. At that point, it simply becomes obedience. Obligation. No longer a free choice of the free will. The demand destroys the essence of what it was meant to be. And the soul shrivels up. It’s the same idea as being submitted to God. God doesn’t demand it, but let’s it be a matter of choice. The choice is what makes it meaningful.
The Shift in Focus

I need people in my space, helping me to navigate the stupid things of life, so really this is an invitation for you to become that “people.” Let’s connect!