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His New Nickname

We get stuck in loops trying to figure out why our spouse (or any other significant other) does what they do to us. It’s as if we understood the intent, it could excuse the pain or angst we feel toward them. Or, we turn it all inward and ask ourselves, “What’s wrong with ME?”

Maybe if we could figure out why he does what he does, we could also figure out how to better avoid it. Or fix it. Or be able to get him to change because we could explain it and connect all the dots to make sense for him why it would be so easy to change and do differently.

Letting Go of Rejection

When fighting loneliness post-divorce, it can be so easy to be consumed by the sense of rejection from previous in-laws and friends. The feeling of being left out or abandoned by those who once were close can be overwhelming and debilitating.

Being Undone by Life

One of my friends, who is struggling desperately in her marriage, was heavily on my mind yesterday morning. She hates the cynicism, the loneliness, and the ugliness she feels inside.  But, she also feels too stuck to do anything about it – and almost doesn’t even care anymore.