Crazy…or Courageous?

The hard part is confronting our prideful need to feel in control of our circumstances. Trusting God enough to follow Him to some crazy places means that we allow ourselves to be vulnerable to the unknown and the unsafe.

The Power of Grace

All of my own naivete, foolishness and nonsense remind me what an incredible gift God’s mercy is to have allowed me the room to grow, change, and mature.

What is Wisdom

In today’s postmodern culture, it would seem that “wisdom” is not absolute but is only determined in relevance to personal circumstances however one decides to define or identify it. The argument is that something that is “relative” is not lasting and not valuable. Why would we seek it, then?

Running the Race

There’s just something indescribably great reaped into the heart through a journey of pain and perseverance. Something not grasped or understood through any other means. The “win” isn’t the crowds response, it’s in the consistent training done along the way.