Intentionally Standing

I don’t feel any different than you. Not more courageous. Not any wiser. Certainly not more intelligent. Just a normal girl trying to survive what life throws at her. Here are some thoughts I wrote to help stay focused.

Driven by the Feelings You Choose

Most of the time, we let feelings drive our behavior like mindless fools, not realizing we’ve given away our own power to enjoy the moments for what they are. We make a meaning and attribute a motive to what we think we see, and that becomes the “perception” that fuels our feelings.  Those feelings become the motivation and direction of our responses.  

Why Would I?

I think what I hear between the lines is the struggle between what you “should” do based on your Christian background and values, and what your gut is telling you to do to protect yourself from being hurt by her further and move on with your life.

Being Undone by Life

One of my friends, who is struggling desperately in her marriage, was heavily on my mind yesterday morning. She hates the cynicism, the loneliness, and the ugliness she feels inside.  But, she also feels too stuck to do anything about it – and almost doesn’t even care anymore.

The Perturbed Heart Part 2

 If God is after your integrity, and He uses the people around you to soften the edges and knock out the junk, how do you navigate the toxicity without getting burned? Here’s how to embrace growth within relationships.

The Shift in Focus

I need people in my space, helping me to navigate the stupid things of life, so really this is an invitation for you to become that “people.” Let’s connect!

The Perturbed Heart, Part 1

Consider the inner chaos you are experiencing connected to another person or people. Whatever feelings they provoke in you, that’s what God is after. The closer the relationship, the deeper the emotional impact. These feelings reflect the deeper issues of your heart—your insecurities, fears, desires, and your ability to connect and love. It’s within this space that God wants to transform your life.

Shame’s Smoke and Mirrors

Living life out of your shame sabotages the things God puts in your life to bring restoration. Your shame tells you that you don’t deserve the gift He has laid before you, so you push it away by hiding behind a facade. Whether it’s pouring your energy into work or hobbies, getting lost in an addiction, or simply not pursuing the gift like the treasure it was meant to be, shame drives these behaviors.

The Secret to Inner Strength

The light of your personhood, the part of you that impacts the souls of those around you, flows out of His grace. This means it ultimately comes from Him, not from your own will or self-determination.  It is the visible evidence that fleshes out the reflection of His image in you.

How Big is God… really?

As Christians, most of us have been taught that there is an unseen world – beyond viruses and bacteria — that affects the seen world.  We know that Satan prowls like a lion seeking whom he may devour. We know our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against an evil force we can barely wrap our minds around.