Becoming More Self-Aware

True self-awareness comes not from asking "Why?" but from asking "What?"—what can I do, what can I change, and what steps will move me forward?

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By Dr. Christine

What, Exactly, Is Self-Awareness?

Self-awareness is the ability to reflect on our own mental operations — our thoughts — and critically evaluate them. It’s about understanding how our thoughts shape our emotions based on the meaning we assign to them.

In other words, what we THINK creates the emotions we FEEL – which is determined by the meaning we give to our thoughts. True self-awareness allows us to see ourselves as we really are, recognize how others perceive us, and understand our place in the world.

Being self-aware provides us with the knowledge to make meaningful changes—if we choose to do so.

Why Is Self-Awareness So Important?

Research confirms that self-aware individuals tend to be more fulfilled. They are more successful, more creative, and more confident. They also build stronger, more mutually beneficial relationships.

However, most of us who think we are self-aware actually aren’t. Studies reveal that while 95% of people believe they are self-aware, only about 10-15% actually are.

The Key to True Self-Awareness

So, what separates those who are truly self-aware from those who merely think they are?

It all comes down to the questions we ask ourselves.

Most people who believe they are self-aware tend to ask, “Why?”

  • Why did this happen to me?
  • Why me?
  • Why can’t I…?
  • Why am I…?

Do you sense the desperation in these questions? They keep you trapped in past negativity, ruminating over things you cannot change.

The Power of Asking “What?”

On the other hand, individuals who are truly self-aware ask, “What?”

  • What can I do to change this situation?
  • What could I do differently to create a better outcome?
  • What should I focus on first?
  • What belief about this situation/person/myself is making me feel this way?

Do you feel the power in these questions? They inspire hope, move you forward into the future, and help you focus on what is possible. They empower you to create change.

Transforming Your Mindset

This shift in questioning can be life-changing for those who feel trapped in past mistakes and negative experiences.

Since everyone’s situation is unique, it’s impossible to provide a one-size-fits-all approach. However, if you take any situation where you feel stuck and reframe it with future-oriented “What” questions, you will start moving in the right direction.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

I’d love to support you in developing a deeper sense of self-awareness!  Click the button below to schedule a session with me.

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meet the coach

Picture of Dr. Christine Chin-Sim
Dr. Christine Chin-Sim

Dr. Christine approaches her work as a relationship and life coach with a Christ-centered perspective and grounded in proven psychological techniques. She sees herself as both a friend and a guide, walking alongside you as you navigate the complex and sometimes overwhelming challenges life and relationships can bring.

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