My Story
Hi! I’m Dr. Christine, and my relationship with Jesus Christ is the plumb line by which I live my life. My life has been a series of twists and turns that have not only surprised those who have known me for decades but have also been surprising to me. It is true that we never really know what life will bring us, and where mine has led me has indeed been unexpected.
So here I am, doing what I truly believe my Father God has ordained for me—helping others make sense of life’s challenges. It is my greatest passion, and the fact that I feel energized doing it confirms that this is what I was meant to do.

Where I Started
I’m an island girl—born and raised in Jamaica in the Caribbean, where I lived for over half my life.
I wouldn’t say I was born into a Christian home, as only my mother served the Lord, but she sought every opportunity to pray for us and ensure we attended Sunday school.
We only went to Sunday school for the free food they gave us. We weren’t starving; we were just greedy. 😉 My father had no interest in God. Although physically present in our home, he was emotionally absent. He felt more like a shadow hovering in the background of our lives rather than a protector or guide.
Our home was in the countryside, surrounded by wide-open spaces where we roamed as children. When I was eleven, I earned a scholarship to attend high school in Kingston, a major city, where I stayed with my aunt—my father’s sister. After high school, I got a job in the claims department of an insurance company and worked there until I met my now ex-husband, got married, and had two children.
We were married for nearly twenty years when he filed for divorce. He had met someone on his trips with friends to a local bar and decided to move on with her. I had been a stay-at-home mom for most of our marriage because we had agreed that, since he was often away due to his occupation as a pilot, I would stay home to ensure the girls were cared for and not raised by nannies.
So, imagine my dilemma when I realized I now had to find a way to support myself.
I knew I needed a degree to secure a job that could sustain me. My daughters were growing up and would soon be off to pursue their own lives. While the divorce proceedings were ongoing, their father continued to pay the mortgage and provide for them financially, for which I was grateful. This support allowed me to return to school, and that’s exactly what I did.
At the age of forty-two, I applied to a local university and earned a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. After that, I pursued an MBA. I completed both degrees in four years by taking six classes per semester while others took four. I was determined to finish quickly before the divorce was finalized.
The miracle? As soon as I graduated, the divorce was finalized. God had orchestrated it so that I had the time to complete my degrees and secure a good job. Throughout this challenging time, God worked all things together for my good, even though the experience was traumatic (too much to detail here).
Where I am Today
My children are now grown and living their own lives. I spend my time deepening my relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and helping others navigate life’s difficulties.
I do not lament my past experiences because they have equipped me to empathize with those who are going through similar struggles. In fact, those experiences have made me stronger, more resilient, and have drawn me closer to Jesus Christ.
Two examples come to mind. I remember, as a lukewarm Christian, telling a co-worker during a lunch break conversation that I couldn’t imagine just “singing and praising God for eternity.” I thought it sounded so boring! Yet now, nearly a decade later, most of my waking hours are spent doing just that. Sometimes, I laugh and look up to heaven and say to God, “But You knew.” I often imagine God looking down at us being silly, smiling, and shaking His head.
Another instance was when I visited a school friend in Canada whom I hadn’t seen in nearly a decade. She laughed and said, “I remember you saying that you would NEVER study anymore, and here you are with a Ph.D.” She was right. Going back to school—let alone earning a doctoral degree—was nowhere in my mind when I left high school. I just wanted to go out into the world and make my way. Ha! The world had other plans. God had other plans.
Now, as a Relationship & Life Coach, my passion is to help you navigate the many challenges life throws your way. Whether you are single, married, a professional dealing with workplace drama, or a young adult trying to find your path amidst the distractions and temptations of life, I will walk alongside you. I will guide you using the tools I’ve learned, the experiences that have shaped me, and the discernment and wisdom God has given me.
It would be an honor to walk this path of growth and recovery with you.